发布时间:2014-06-27   浏览:

  5月20日至23日,美国南伊利诺斯大学艺术学院院长哈里斯 戴勒教授及商徐宏教授来我院进行学术交流并探讨了双方合作意向。20日晚,两位教授在多功能厅举办了讲座、用幻灯片分别展示了自己作品并回答了学生提出的很多问题。23日上午,副院长王胜利教授及院办李敏主任亲切接见了两位教授,双方就学生、教师及短期访问学者的互派项目进行了具体的磋商。双方还探讨了互办展览等校际合作项目。访问期间,两位教授还饶有兴致的参观了陶艺工作室、油画系工作室及图书馆。

Director of School of Art & Design in South Illinois University Carbondale, U.S.A. has visited our Academy

  Between May 20th and 23rd, two professors from School of Art & Design in South Illinois University Carbondale, U.S.A. have visited our Academy and exchanged the ideas of some cooperation projects. Professor Harris Deller, the director of School of Art &design and also professor Shang Xuhong just had the lectures about porcelain, oil painting and installation. During the lectures they also showed their works and answered the questions of the students. On the morning of 23rd, Professor Wang Shengli, our vice president and Mr. Li Min have met two professors. They focused on some detailed exchange projects, including student exchange, faculty exchange, short-term visitor exchange. They also touched upon the exhibition in the opposite school. During the stay, the professors visited the workshops of Ceramics and Oil Painting Department, and library.
